Resources A-Z

This page contains links to the library’s collection of online database subscriptions, organized alphabetically. While all of these resources are available to use at both branches of the library, use the following key to see if the database has any licensing restrictions to access it:

available for FREE only inside the library Available only within the library
Accessible anywhere with your JTPL library card Available anywhere by entering your JTPL library card number!
available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE Available to Indiana residents through INSPIRE. See the INSPIRE FAQ for more information.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


ABCmouse     available for FREE only inside the library
The award-winning ABCmouse curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2-7+) build a strong foundation for future academic success. ABCmouse is 100% educational, with 5,000+ learning activities (books, puzzles, educational games, art activities, songs, etc.) across all major subject areas—reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music. Best of all, kids love it! (From Age of Learning, Inc.)
Adult Learning Center (Brainfuse)   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
Whether you are going back to school, switching jobs, or just want to brush up on an academic skill, Brainfuse’s Adult Learning Center™ is here to help. Dedicated to the unique needs of an adult population, the Adult Learning Center offers a comprehensive and integrated suite of services, including the GED prep, 24/7 Writing Lab, Live Tutoring (from 2-11 p.m.), Skills Building, Career Resources such as resume templates and reviews, U.S. Citizenship Prep, Microsoft Office Essential Skills Series, and 24/7 Question Center.


American Ancestors   available for FREE only inside the library provides access to more than 1.4 billion records spanning twenty-two countries covering the United States, the British Isles, continental Europe, and beyond, including one of the most extensive online collections of early American genealogical records, the largest searchable collection of published genealogical research journals and magazines, and the largest collection of U.S Catholic records online.
Ancestry Library Edition   available for FREE only inside the library
This resource provides indexed and digitized family history and genealogical reference material from around the world. Information includes: vital records, Census records, immigration records, military records, and state, county and town information, and much more.

AtoZDatabases   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
AtoZdatabases is the premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads, and Job-Search Database. The database includes 30 million business & executive profiles, over 240 million residents with interests, hobbies and lifestyles information, over 7 million real-time job listings, 2 Million new businesses, over 12 million healthcare professionals, over 12 million new movers, 2 million new homeowners, and much more. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, background searches, finding friends, relatives and a whole lot of other possibilities.

AtoZ Food America   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
AtoZ Food America contains recipes in all course categories (appetizers, soups, salads, breads, main courses, side dishes, desserts, snacks, and beverages) for six US regions, all 50 states, and 33 ethnic cuisines. AtoZ Food America also covers food culture for the above regions, states, and ethnic cuisines with articles such as Classic Dishes, State Foods, Top Agricultural Products, Special Occasion Foods, Ethnic and Geographic Influences, Special Ingredients, and Food Trivia.



Biography Reference Center   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
This database offers a collection of full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies. The database includes coverage of several of the most popular and heavily-researched biographies and genres, including those contained within Biography Today and Biography (both dating back to the first issue published).



Consumer Health Complete   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
A comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content, Consumer Health Complete is designed to support the information needs of patients and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. This resource provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. The multilingual health databases provide this information in 16 additional languages.


D   Accessible anywhere with your JTPL library card
This service is designed to help you prepare for your Indiana BMV driving test by offering online practice tests for car, motorcycles, and commercial license exams. It also includes handbooks for all three different exams as well as answers to frequently asked questions such as how to renew your license or what to do if you fail the test.



Explora for Public Libraries   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
An interface designed for public and school libraries with a focus on the Arts, Literature, Biography, Business and Careers, Current Events, Geography and Culture, Health, History, Math, Science and more.



Fuente Académica Premier   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
Spanish language scholarly journal. A source for academic research, providing key coverage of major subject areas. Fuente Académica provides researchers with a collection of scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain, designed to make academic research readily available in PDF format.



HelpNow   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
HelpNow offers live tutor access for homework help, skills building and test preparation where after taking a quiz, the user can connect directly to a live tutor from the test center without having to return to the main page. It also features a Writing Lab where users can submit papers and get detailed feedback, as well as the Adult Learning Center where users can receive help with GED/High School Equivalency prep, resume assistance, US Citizenship test prep, and more! Click here for a user guide


HeritageQuest Online   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
HeritageQuest Online contains six major genealogy research collections: U.S. Federal Census records; digitized family and local history books, including city directories; Revolutionary War select and non-select pension records; Freedman’s Bank records; the PERiodical Source Index (PERSI) archive up to 2009; and the U.S. Serial Set.

Historical Newspapers   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
This database provides access to 5 fully digitized and keyword searchable historical newspapers for free anywhere, just log in with your library card! You can search all 5 newspapers at once, or use the following links to search a newspaper individually:

History Reference Center   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
Designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research, this database features full text for thousands of primary source documents and informational texts.
hoopla   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
hoopla is a digital content platform that allows our patrons to check out up to 5 items per month! Choose from over 600,000 eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, movies, TV episodes, and full-length music albums! You can stream content from their website at or download the app to your iOS, Android, or Kindle Fire device. Check out their FAQs for more information.



INSPIRE   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
INSPIRE is Indiana’s Virtual Online Library. INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents only.



Legal Information Reference Center   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
Legal Information Reference Center offers everyday users the necessary tools and detailed how-to instructions covering a wide-range of legal issues. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest and most respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.
Literary Reference Center Plus     available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
A full-text database providing information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, teachers and librarians a complete foundation of literary reference works to meet any and all of their research or instructional needs.



Mango Languages   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
An online tool for learning languages, Mango Languages provides audio tutorials to practice reading, listening, and speaking. Easy to use audio clips and written text combine to take you through each course. Practice in the Library or from home or work with self-paced, instruction.


Merck Manuals   availble for FREE anywhere!
Free access anywhere to all of the detailed and accurate medical information available in the Merck Manuals, for both consumers and medical professionals. The Consumer version is written in everyday language and includes information broken down by medical subject and symptom, and much more.
Merck Veterinary Manual   available for FREE anywhere!
Free access anywhere to all of the detailed and accurate information on animal health topics, written for the veterinary professional.



Newspaper Archive   available for FREE only inside the library   ||   Newspaper Archive   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
Access digitized and fully searchable Indiana newspapers covering 1800 – 2016, including Jeffersonville papers like the Evening News from 1872 – 1977! Use the first link if you’re inside the library, or the second link to access from anywhere else using your JTPL library card.



OverDrive   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
OverDrive is a multimedia platform where library members can download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and now eMagazines with a library card. Be sure to check out their help videos. Desktop apps are available for Mac and Windows, and mobile apps are available for: iPad and iPhone; Android phones and tablets; Kindle; Windows phones and tablets; and Barnes and Noble Nook.




Points of View Reference Center   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

Physical Review Journals   available for FREE only inside the library
Free access to 14 different academic journals covering all aspects of the study of physics. All journals are published by the American Physical Society (APS), a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics.



RBdigital Magazines is now part of OverDrive   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
RBdigital magazines have been purchased by OverDrive and are now available through the same Libby app you use to check out ebooks and eaudiobooks! Check out their FAQs for more help.
Referencia Latina   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
This comprehensive database offers content from a variety of sources, including an inclusive collection of images, health reports, and full text for reference books and general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas. Additionally, the resource covers a full spectrum of Spanish-language scholarships inside and outside academia.
Rosetta Stone Level One for Personal Use   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
Recognized as a leader in technology-based language learning, Rosetta Stone offers libraries and their patrons their proven immersion method.



Science Reference Center   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
A research database providing easy access to a wealth of full-text, science-oriented content. Designed to meet student researcher’s needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other reliable sources. In addition, the database includes a vast collection of images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library.

Small Business Source   available for FREE to all Indiana residents through INSPIRE
This database offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as the necessary tools and instructions to address a wide-range of small business topics. In addition, it provides business videos, a help and advice section, and information on how to create business plans.



Weiss Financial Ratings available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
Powered by Weiss Ratings and Grey House Publishing, this website gives you powerful new tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

World Book Online   available for FREE anywhere with a valid JTPL library card
The classic World Book Encyclopedia is now available online in several different versions: the early world of learning, kids, student, advanced, timelines, discover, and Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos.


Page reviewed: 27 January 2023