Tag Archives | i love my librarian

Appreciating the ‘powerful good’ of the public library

As the American Library Association bestows its 2018 “I Love My Librarian” awards, librarian Kristen Arnett expresses her humble opinion on why visiting a library is the best way to show your appreciation:

Everyone says they want to support their local library, like they support using reusable water bottles, no cell phones at the dinner table, and the quiet car on trains.

But do they really? Folks tend to think of libraries in the abstract. It’s less a physical space and more of a concept, a powerful good in the universe that everyone believes in unconditionally, like Santa Claus or Beyonce.

So how do you support your library? Leave a nice comment on their blog? An appreciative Facebook post? A well-timed tweet about them that gets a zillion retweets?

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