Fines and Fees

The Jeffersonville Township Public Library (JTPL) is now fine-free! We no longer charge fines on late items. This ensures that all people have access to library materials and resources, which is our primary purpose as a public library. Here you’ll find information about this new policy and how it affects you.

Why is JTPL going fine-free?

  • To conform with current fine-free trends in a digitally advanced world.
  • To encourage prior users to come back to the library and attract new users to utilize the resources and services the library offers.
  • To increase access for patrons who cannot currently use our library’s materials and resources.
  • To remove barriers that prevent patrons usage due to penalties that could accrue.
  • To improve customer service and the patron’s overall library experience.
  • To model our neighboring libraries who have changed their policies and are now fine-free.

What this means for you

  • If you have overdue fines from JTPL that you accrued before we went fine-free, you are no longer required to pay these fines.
  • You are still responsible for your items. We encourage you to return all items in a timely manner.
  • The library will still send you courtesy reminders to return your items.
  • You will no longer accrue a daily late fine on overdue materials.
  • Past replacement fees for lost or damaged items, replacement library cards, and collection agency fees still apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a fine and a fee?

Fines accrue when an item is returned late. Fees are for lost or damaged materials, and products such as replacement library cards.

Will overdue fines be waived on ALL materials?

All Jeffersonville Township Public Library-owned materials will no longer have overdue fines. Charges will incur for lost or damaged items. Materials that are obtained through Interlibrary Loan are borrowed from other libraries and therefore may still be subject to charges.

How will the library get patrons to return borrowed materials without charging fines?

“No overdue fines” does not mean “no responsibility”. Due dates still apply. JTPL will expect items to be returned in a timely manner.

When an item is overdue your account will be blocked. Materials that are 20 days overdue from the original due date are marked “LOST” and you will be billed for the replacement cost and processing fee of $4.00 per lost item.

Will I still receive reminders about returning materials?

Yes, the library will send out reminders to return your items.

Reminder By Email or Text 2 days before the due date
Overdue By Mail or Email 10 days overdue from the due date
Bill By Mail 20 days overdue from the due date. Patron billed for replacement cost.

How do I pay for a lost or damaged item?

When an item is lost or damaged, you are responsible for reimbursing the Library. You are required to pay the original purchase price and associated processing fee(s) for the damaged or lost item. The Library currently accepts cash, check or card payments for any lost or damaged item(s).

What if I find my lost item after I've paid for it?

If you locate the lost item after paying to replace it, a refund will be issued for the cost of the item and associated processing fee(s). The request must be made within 30 days of the payment. Patrons who request a refund must provide the original receipt that was issued by the library at the time of payment.

Page reviewed: 27 October 2021